To all of our loyal customers and fans,
It has been an amazing journey for Doorage and our entire team. When we launched over 5 years ago in Chicago, we had no idea how much love and support we would receive. From the very first week it became evident that we had filled a very necessry void. Our launch in Chicago drew tremendous attention, rapid growth, and unfortunately……some negative feelings from competitors.
Now we could talk till we are blue in the face about it but we prefer to just put it into a crate and move on. The short of it is our rapid growth drew attention from some competitors. Our growth to new markets and states was fueled by our amazing customers and investors, but our business was impacted by outside forces.
For over 4 years, we have fought through the court systems to protect our brand, which was attacked and copied by competition. The litigation path we traveled to recover our damages and attempt to make ourselves whole again has been costly. We have remained vigilant in our fight for justice but the costs of litigtion continued to win.
We have been forced to make a difficult decision. Continue operating and potentailly give up our litigation or suspend operations and fight till the end. We have chosen to fight. This has led to a complete pause on operations until litigation is over. This action allows us to pool our investor resources which provides our company the finances to take our case all the way to the end. When we prevail, we hope we can jump right back into serving our customers and fans.
I was never one to say goodbye and in this case, we will see you again.
I want to personally thank our amazing team members who sacraficed it all everyday, our steadfast investors, and the best customers we were blessed to work with.
Thank you,
Sean Sandona
Founder & CEO